Billions of pounds for motorways and major A roads?

Or safer cycling and sustainable transport?

This action is now closed, but there's still plenty you can do to help tackle car dependency and get more funding for cycling. Visit our Drive Less, Cycle More page to find out.

The Government is consulting on priorities for the next five-year Roads Investment Strategy for England. The current 2020-25 strategy will see £24 billion poured into 4,500 miles of motorways and major A roads.

Meanwhile, the local roads we all cycle on are crumbling, and ringfenced cycling and walking infrastructure investment has been cut by 75% to just £50m a year for this year and next. 

Have your say!

The Climate Change Committee has found that nearly all the UK's climate targets are being missed, and that an urgent review is needed to assess whether ongoing and planned road-building projects are consistent with environmental goals. 

We can't carry on like this: that's why Cycling UK is telling Government to rebalance transport funding urgently to meet net-zero.

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This action is now closed, but there's still plenty you can do to help tackle car dependency and get more funding for cyclingVisit our Drive Less, Cycle More page to find out.


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