Will your candidates support healthy and sustainable transport choices?

Ahead of polling day, we’ve asked parliamentary candidates to pledge their support for the creation of better, safer places for cycling and walking, giving everyone the freedom to move and lead happier, healthier and greener lives.

By filling in your details below, you can see which candidates in your area have already pledged, and contact those who haven't to ask them to show their support.


What's the pledge?

The politicians you elect this July can help deliver better, safer places for cycling, walking and wheeling. 

But they need to hear that this is important to you. 

Cycling UK has written to prospective party candidates asking them to commit to several manifesto asks to give everyone the freedom to move and live happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling, including: 

  • Investing in active travel, ramping up to at least 10% of the total transport budget within five years. 

  • Producing an integrated transport strategy designed to give people more transport choices, with targets to reduce traffic 

  • Improving the planning system by ensuring all new homes are required to have excellent walking and cycling networks 

By taking just a few seconds to write to your local candidate, you can help us realise our vision to give everyone healthy and sustainable transport choices. 

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