Will you tell the government you want more money for cycling?

The UK government is currently preparing its first multi-year spending review since 2021.

This is a rare opportunity to secure long term funding commitments for cycling in England, as it will set department budgets for the next few years.

They want to hear what you think should be prioritised in the spending review. We’ve provided some suggested points to make it as easy as possible to respond before the consultation closes on 9 February.

How to respond

The consultation portal has 3 questions:

Question 1: In what capacity are you responding to this survey?

Select ‘an individual’

Question 2: Which government department(s) and/or independent bodies does your Spending Review representation relate to? 

Select ‘Department for Transport’. 

Question 3: Please summarise your representation in no more than 250 words. 

Download our short spending review guidance (Word or PDF version) and pick out a few points to include in your summary response.

If you want to submit a more detailed response, question 4 gives you an option to upload a longer document.

Ready to go?

Once you have downloaded the guidance document, press the button below to go to the government consultation page.

Please enter your details below to help Cycling UK keep track of how many people respond.

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