Thanks for adding your routes to the map!

Unfortunately we don't have an email address for the following councils, but you can copy the text below and use their online contact forms to get in touch. Alternatively, you can choose a different council.

Herefordshire County Council - Rights of Way team

London Borough of Newham - Sustainable Travel team

Northumberland County Council - Rights of Way team


You can use the following text as a starter for your message. Don't forget to add in some details about your specific missing link routes, and how it would benefit people if they were opened up for cycling.

I live in [your town/city/village] and cycle regularly around [county or area]. There are some great routes for cycling, but there are a few places where it’s not as easy as it could be.

You can see where I mean on the ‘missing links’ map created by Cycling UK (, where I and other local residents have added some suggestions which could improve the off-road network.

Lots of people have started, or got back into, cycling during the pandemic. It would be brilliant if we can capture this enthusiasm and enable more people to spend time in nature and explore the countryside around them by bike on connected, traffic-free routes.

I’m sure you’re very busy at the moment with the disruption caused by Covid-19, but I wonder if in the future there is a way this route might be opened up for cycling, or if not, would it be possible to create an alternative route? 

If the suggestions on the map can be considered as part of your rights of way improvement plan or cycling strategy that would be fantastic. I think creating a more connected network would give people the confidence to cycle from their door and enable them to explore the area in a more sustainable way.